Engineering And Arbitration Contracts Management Centre
In the light of the recent economic and commercial developments in the Kingdom, the huge services and infrastructure projects and with the new trend towards privatization of many sectors in order to develop the level of performance, it is natural to have disputes and claims between the contracting parties, which may not be covered clearly by the terms and conditions of the contract defining the obligations and responsibilities of the contracting parties, this makes the settlement of these disputes difficult due to the differences of each parties’ objectives, and this leads them to resort to the judicial or engineering authorities to arbitrate those disputes and to make the right decisions for each party.

Hence comes the importance of tools and means to support legal, administrative and commercial judiciary to provide technical expertise, through technical advice and opinion that clarifies the details to help the judge in settling the dispute. Having to resort to engineering arbitration becomes more prevalent at this stage of adjudicating disputes because of the following advantages:
The parties agree on the Arbitral Tribunal.
Quick conflict study and decision-making.
Give the parties more opportunities to present their views.
Low costs compared to the resort of justice and lawyers.
Maintain a friendly relationship between contracting parties away from formal litigation procedures.
Easy access by the arbitrator himself to any party that needs information to reality the dispute.